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Electronics and cars
Electrical services are increasingly concerned electricity car. As it turns out, more and more modern cars are even drugged technical solutions in the field of electrical and electronics and even a minor fault causes that need to enlist the help of a specialist in this field. Different types of probes and controls in cars are very important indicators that allow the user to monitor the level of a suitable fluid and the overall control of the car. In case of failure may occur up to a serious fault, because electrical services increasingly possible to repair in this area.
AC power:
Power in an electric circuit is the rate of flow of energy past a given point of the circuit. In alternating current circuits, energy storage elements such as inductors and capacitors may result in periodic reversals of the direction of energy flow. The portion of power that, averaged over a complete cycle of the AC waveform, results in net transfer of energy in one direction is known as active power (sometimes also called real power). The portion of power due to stored energy, which returns to the source in each cycle, is known as reactive power.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC_power
Electricity generation is the process of generating electric power from other sources of primary energy. The fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered during the 1820s and early 1830s by the British scientist Michael Faraday. This basic method is still used today: electricity is generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet. For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other processes, electricity transmission, distribution, and electrical power storage and recovery using pumped-storage methods are normally carried out by the electric power industry. Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include solar photovoltaics and geothermal power and electrochemical batteries.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_generation